This month’s MomTastic find is a heartwarming back to school story, and what better time to think about realizing potential in each and every kid. Because They Can is an organization looking to close the gap between what students can achieve and what other people believe they can achieve by empowering educators to empower all students to achieve their fullest potential. Education Post had a great article detailing the effects of ignoring kids on performance, self-esteem, and ultimately, being the best they can be.
Unfortunately, not all kids have engaged parents in the home. Research shows that many adults in society have much lower expectations for these kids, and when they underestimate what they’re capable of, it’s called the Belief Gap.
Here’s an example, the story of 8th grader Kim Wilborn, a young girl who, with the help of committed educators, was able to be pushed farther than she ever imagined.
Because They Can believes that great schools and teachers can help kids like Kim reach their full potential. Help spread the word #BecauseTheyCan
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