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MomTastic Finds

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MomTastic Find: Marimba Chat

2019-04-15T20:28:29+00:00March 18th, 2015|

There’s nothing more fun than working on a PR project for a family-friendly product that I view as MomTastic, and Marimba Chat is a perfect example! Young kids want to […]

Sponsored Post: Food Lion

2019-04-15T20:30:02+00:00November 25th, 2014|

We recently shopped Food Lion as a Mom Blog assignment, and wanted to share some of our findings here at The Lounge.  Our local store was definitely well-stocked, easy to […]

Food Lion MVP Coupon Hub

2019-04-17T17:03:56+00:00February 10th, 2014|

I was recently asked to take Food Lion‘s “MVP Coupon Hub” for a test drive.  It’s a great integration of coupons, savings, and a loyalty card, that takes the paper […]

Reusable Lunch Bags

2019-04-17T17:19:53+00:00September 27th, 2013|

Very cool invention by a local Mompreneur and friend – LunchSkins are reusable bags and are taking the lunchbox by storm!  This is a scary statistic…According to 3GreenMoms, “U.S. citizens […]

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