Submit News

We welcome guest articles from authors, parenting experts, and fellow moms.

Please familiarize yourself with our site first to get to know our style and approach. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming topics.

Amy’s background in journalism is our compass, and we’re committed to staying on target with our mission – providing tips and tools for “The Business of Motherhood” in a helpful, how-to way.

Editorial Guidelines:

  • Articles are how-to, tips oriented (Top 5 tips on a topic always work well) with short descriptions and external links for more information or elaboration
  • Authors have credibility on chosen topic
  • Articles can NOT be written to exclusively sell a product or service. Sales-oriented posts will be considered in our Sponsored Post/MomTastic Finds section. Author bio can include links to relevant products you sell, but your tips MUST have value and relevance to our readers.
  • We love articles that are exclusive to The MomTini Lounge or that we publish first. You’re welcome to publish afterwards with a link back to our site. If you have a relevant article that has already been published, be sure to let us know.
  • Timing, timing, timing. We operate our site like a newsroom, so stories must be relevant to our readers (moms) and published in a timely fashion in advance of the holiday or event.
  • Jpeg graphic should be included with your article if available.
  • Humor is ALWAYS a major bonus!
  • Word count – 300-400 words
  • Style – We follow AP Style – please proofread your article for grammar/spelling before submitting.
  • Articles must be sent via submission form here. We reserve the right to select stories based on our editorial guidelines listed here along with other needs of the site. We cannot guarantee the timing or publication of any submission.

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