I wanted to share some “Hallmark moments” – those little things you do for the people you love that don’t have to cost a lot, but end up being priceless!

Hallmark recently challenged Mommy bloggers to think about this topic, and with Mother’s Day around the corner, I can think of lots! Holidays – or really any day – are the perfect time to encourage kids to give gifts from the heart and to think about the little things we can do to make someone’s day:

— Coupons for hugs
— A day (or more) off from chores
— A week where no one has to make their bed but gets to snuggle in rumpled sheets – delicious!
— Breakfast in bed
— Putting a sweet note in your spouse’s briefcase – or a post-it note in your kid’s lunch
— Texting your teen with a funny joke to connect during the day
— Helping with something at home or work
— Homemade arts & crafts you send to grandparents
— Bringing food to a friend in need

What ideas can you share to spark some dialogue about the priceless little things that make your day?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided for this post, but the opinions are all my own.