Loved connecting with FOF (friend of friend – thank you Liz 🙂 ) Adina Kalish, a mom blogger who created “My Kitchen Chaos,” a collection of “measure-free” recipes for busy parents.  Adina is smart, funny, resourceful, and has put together a great resource for moms (like me) who need easy, fast, ideally healthy recipes to feed the family.  Her blog focuses on “recipes for disaster or everyday life,” and Adina assures us moms that we can’t mess these up if we try.  Adina has a great sense of humor, and it is a special ingredient in all of her recipes.

Check out her first TV segment with her daughter on how to make Chicken Burgers:

The measure-free approach is smart – it’s the “little bit of this, little bit of that,” that Adina describes best…

The reason the recipes on My Kitchen Chaos don’t include exact measurements is simply because I have neither the time nor the patience to wash extra dishes. It’s a pain. It adds clutter. And clutter is chaos. So I’ve adopted my great-grandmother from the old country’s “grab it with your hands” method of cooking. Most every recipe on My Kitchen Chaos is foolproof, meaning you can’t mess it up. That’s also why you won’t see too many baked goods here. Baking is an exact science. I didn’t do well in science.

Adina’s Writer Bio (stolen straight from her site, because I couldn’t say this better if I tried):

I’m a writer by day and a writer by night. I write things for other people most of the time. Things like newspaper articles and press releases and proposals and speeches and ad copy and web copy and scripts. My articles can be found in places like The Huffington Post, Working Mother, and other magazines. I write things for myself the rest of the time. Things like books and screenplays and reality show pitches. Oh, and cooking blogs. I wrote a book called Making It in the City, a girl’s guide to starting life on your own in a ridiculously expensive city you can’t afford. It was published in 2005 when I was young and broke and living in New York City. It’s full of resources for the young and broke. Or not so young and broke. I have a motto. It’s Dream Big. Pay the Rent. I do whatever I can to achieve both.

Check out My Kitchen Chaos when you clear your own kitchen counters (or before).